appveyor.yml 601 B

  1. # Commented sections below can be used to run tests on the CI server
  2. #
  3. version: 0.1.{build}
  4. branches:
  5. only:
  6. - master
  7. image: Visual Studio 2017
  8. platform:
  9. - x64
  10. cache:
  11. - node_modules
  12. - '%APPDATA%\npm-cache'
  13. - '%USERPROFILE%\.electron'
  14. - '%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Yarn\cache'
  15. init:
  16. - git config --global core.autocrlf input
  17. install:
  18. - ps: Install-Product node 8 x64
  19. - git reset --hard HEAD
  20. - yarn
  21. - node --version
  22. build_script:
  23. #- yarn test
  24. - yarn build
  25. test: off