const fs = require('fs'); const xml2js = require('xml2js'); const PLUGIN_ID = "cordova-plugin-semsx-launcher"; const gradlePath = './platforms/android/app/build.gradle'; // cordova-android@7+ path let deferral; function addSupport() { let defaultArgs = { kotlin_version: '\text.kotlin_version = "latest.integration"\n\t', kotlin_android: 'apply plugin: "kotlin-android"', classpath: ' \t\tclasspath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"' }; const pluginXML = fs.readFileSync('./plugins/' + PLUGIN_ID + '/plugin.xml').toString(); const gradle = fs.readFileSync(gradlePath).toString(); let text = gradle; const parser = new xml2js.Parser(); parser.parseString(pluginXML, (error, config) => { if (error) return; if (!config.plugin.hasOwnProperty('platform')) return; for (let x of config.plugin.platform) if (x['$'].name === 'android') { if (x['$'].hasOwnProperty('kotlin')) defaultArgs.kotlin_version = `\text.kotlin_version = "${x['$'].kotlin}"\n\t`; if (x.hasOwnProperty('apply-plugin')) defaultArgs.apply_plugin = x['apply-plugin']; break; } if (!gradle.match(/ext.kotlin_version/g)) append(defaultArgs.kotlin_version, /buildscript(\s*)\{\s*/g); if (!gradle.match(/kotlin-gradle-plugin/g)) append(defaultArgs.classpath, /classpath\s+(['"])[\w.:]+(['"])/g); if (!gradle.match(/apply\s+plugin(\s*:\s*)(['"])kotlin-android(['"])/g)) append(defaultArgs.kotlin_android); if (defaultArgs.apply_plugin) for (let x of defaultArgs.apply_plugin) { const reg = new RegExp(`apply\\s+plugin(\\s*:\\s*)(['"])${x}(['"])`, 'g'); if (!gradle.match(reg)) append(`apply plugin: "${x}"`); } }); function append(edit, reg) { if (reg === undefined) reg = /['"]/g; const pos =; const len = text.match(reg)[0].length; const header = text.substring(0, pos + len); const footer = text.substring(pos + len); text = header + '\n' + edit + footer; } fs.writeFileSync(gradlePath, text); } module.exports = function (ctx) { try { deferral = ctx.requireCordovaModule('q').defer(); addSupport(); deferral.resolve(); } catch (e) { let msg = e.toString(); console.dir(e); deferral.reject(msg); return deferral.promise; } };